Friday, November 2, 2012

Deuteronomy 21

Review & Intro:  We looked at spiritual warfare in our lesson applications for Deuteronomy Chapter 20.  In Chapter 21, we look at situations of death of the innocent, blood that defiles the land, and law relating to personal relationships.  We will see also about the guilty hanging on a tree, and how Jesus took our guilt and paid for our sin on the tree of Calvary.  Amen.
Deuteronomy Chapter 21 - Observation Questions
1.  If a slain person was found lying in the open country of the land that the Lord gave to Israel, and they did not know who had struck the person, the elders and judges were to go out and measure the distance to the cities to find out which city was the closest to the slain person. (vs.1,2) ... What were the elders of that city to bring to make atonement for the sin of the innocent blood that had been shed? vs. 3 - give the characteristics also -
heifer It was  to be  never worked or never yoked
2.  Where were the elders to bring the animal to? What were the required qualifications of the land? vs. 4 - Name 4 things
It was  to be a valley  never plows or planted with a stream of water
3.  What was to be done to the animal? vs. 4
It's neck was broken
4.  Then, the priests, the sons of Levi, were to come near to witness and make atonement.  Why were they the ones and what duty had been given them by the Lord? vs. 5
r the Lord your God has chosen them to minister and to pronounce blessings in the name of the Lord and to decide all cases of dispute and assault.
5.  The elders of the city that was nearest to the slain man were to wash their hands over the heifer whose neck was broken in the valley. (vs.6) ... What were they to say as they washed their hands? vs. 7 - Name 2 things to be said
They didn' shed  the blood or see who did it.
6.  What was the prayer that was to be said at that time by them? vs. 8

Accept this atonement for your people Israel, whom you have redeemed, O Lord, and do not hold your people guilty of the blood of an innocent man.” And the bloodshed will be atoned for.
7.  The blood of atonement from the heifer offered and the prayer for forgiveness would be honored by God and they would not have bloodguiltiness upon them. (vs.9) .. How did they remove the guilt of innocent blood from their land? vs.9
Because they don right  before God.
8.  The Lord is always pro-life.  He holds people accountable for innocent blood being shed.  Do you need to pray for your community, city, state, nation, etc.... in regard to innocent blood being shed by abortion today?  We need to ask the Lord to forgive the people and not place the guilt of innocent blood upon our land.  Take a moment to pray for your nation and these things.  Comment on how Daniel prayed for his nation as well on the verses below:
  • Daniel 9:4-5 -
9.  Where does sin always begin when we are praying for the Lord to heal our land(s)?   Write out the verse below:
  • 2 Chronicles 7:14 -
10.  When Israel had battles against their enemies and took them captive, the men might want to marry one of the captives. (vs.11)  .... If so, they would not take her for a wife right away.  Once she went to his house, what would she need to do?  vs.12,13 - Name 5 things
Morn  for her family  for amonth   Shave her head and clip her nail and change  her clothes
11.  How long would she mourn her mother and father before becoming a wife to the Israelite? vs. 13
One month
Note:  If the Israelite was not pleased with the wife of captivity, he was to let her go wherever "she desired".  He was not to sell her or mistreat her, for he had humbled her. (vs.14)
12.  If a man had 2 wives, loving one, and not loving the other, he was not to treat the firstborn son differently if it belonged to the unloved wife (vs.15,16).  When he made the will for his sons, how was he to acknowledge the firstborn son if he was from his unloved wife? vs.17
By giving  him first born rights
13.  What was the firstborn son a sign of for the father? vs. 17
By giving  him  a doble portoin for his  inheratant

14.  If a son was so stubborn and rebellious and refused to obey his father and mother even after they chastised him, what was to be done with the rebellious son? vs.18-21
They were to take him to the ealder outside the gate and they were to stone him.
Researching this there is not one case that this happened but as my daughter said knowing that this was a law would keep her on the straight and not want to upset parents at all.
Note:  This seems so harsh I can hardly stand reading it.  First of all, we need to realize that this is an older son; old enough to be a drunkard; and one that would know better.  He knows the consequences of his rebellion and even after being chastised by his parents, he would not listen but continued in revolting rebellion.  If the rebellious sons were not taken care of, they could lead an uprising and bring division and harm to all.  Today, it would be like saying, "If you do a certain crime, you WILL go to jail; that is the law".  If a person crosses the line, they know the consequences.
15.  If a man committed a sin worthy of death and if he was hanged on a tree, the corpse was not to hang all night, but the man was to be buried on the same day so that the land would not be defiled.  (vs.22,23) What was a person hanged on a tree considered to be? vs. 22

capital offense
16.  When Christ was crucified, He hung on the wood of the tree for us.  What did He take upon Himself on our behalf?  Comment on the verse below:
  • Galatians 3:13 -

 17.  Think about how innocent blood defiles the land that the Lord has given to us.  In fact, blood continues to speak from the ground and cry out for justice.  Comment on the following verses:
  • Genesis 4:10 -
  • Hebrews 11:4 -
  • Hebrews 12:24 -
  • Revelation 6:10 -
18.  Spend time in prayer for the country you live in; asking the Lord to heal the bloodguiltiness of your land.
19.  One of the 10 commandments is to honor our mother and father.  We saw the situation of an unruly and rebellious child today that would not listen to their parents even when they were chastised.  What is the role of our parenthood today?  No, we don't turn our children over to be stoned, but do we discipline in love and do we allow them to face the consequences of their actions?  Even the apostle Paul knew how important the saving of the soul was even if a person's actions would destroy their fleshly ways. (1 Corinthians 5:5).  Think about your role as a parent if that applies to you and take some time to pray about these things as well.
20.  I am so thankful that Jesus became a curse and was willing to hang on a tree for me.  Aren't you?  Comment on the following verses:
  • Galatians 3:13,14 -
  • Philippians 2:8 -
  • 2 Corinthians 5:21 -
21.  Spend time thanking the Lord for becoming our sin and taking our curse. \o/\o/
22.  Summarize this lesson and post a prayer if you would like.

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